Friday, July 29, 2011

Psalm 139:12

Last night I slept on my porch,
I did!
In a lawn chair,
in the rain,
I was there;
a raccoon came!

The fireflies twinkled beneath
the leaves
of the Walnut
and the Ash -
small, green huts -
as raindrops splashed,

and I was not afraid
at all,
for in darkness
and with rain,
the heavens kiss
our world, reclaim!


  1. ~deep, deep sigh~

    I hate you.

    Only not.

    And you're such a good writer. :)

  2. No, you're a good writer!

    (No, you are!)

    No, you!



  3. Y'all are both good writers!

    Lois, I really do like this one! Love the rhythm, the images of the raccoon and especially the "little huts as raindrops splash." And the ending is just heavenly!!

  4. Annie, you're a good writer, toooooo!!!

    Thanks so much!

  5. I love that.... and I loved that you slept outside... my friend had an old bed on her porch and we used to sleep out there when it rained.... the roof was tin... it was the best.
    The heavens kissed our world...... sweet.... you stir my soul with your writing.

  6. Lori, I have a memory of sleeping on a porch beneath a tin roof, but I'm pretty sure that's something Trixie Belding did and not me.

    But if I buy my own house someday, I'm going to put a bed on the porch! You can come! Pajama party!
